lava ring series

mixed media; sterling silver, raw earth geode, 2023

As a fine artist, her passion lies in creating one-of-a-kind pieces that tell a story and inspire the imagination. Shen’s latest series is inspired by the natural beauty of geodes and the fiery intensity of lava, and is crafted from sterling silver and carefully selected geodes.

Each piece in this series is a unique work of art, reflecting the individual beauty and character of the geode it contains. The geodes themselves are a reminder of the powerful forces of nature that shape our world, and a testament to the incredible beauty that can emerge from even the most turbulent and chaotic environments.

But Shen’s jewelry is more than just an expression of her love for natural beauty and the art of craftsmanship. It is also an extension of the children's book she is currently working on, which explores themes of partnership and commitment in the face of adversity.

Through Shen’s jewelry, she seeks to share the message of hope and love that is at the heart of her book, and to inspire others to embrace these values in their own lives. Each piece is a reminder that, no matter how difficult our journey may be, we are never truly alone, and that there is always hope for a brighter future.

Shen is proud to create jewelry that not only showcases the incredible beauty of natural materials, but also inspires and uplifts those who wear it. Her hope is that her work will serve as a reminder of the strength and resilience of the human spirit, and of the power of love and commitment to overcome even the greatest challenges.




angry clay